Willie's Home Page, Site Map
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HOME (http://www.saao.ac.za/~wpk/)



The 1882 Transit of Venus observations from South Africa

The American expedition observed from Wellington --
Afrikaanse weergawe

A twin of the 6" Fitz refractor used --
Afrikaanse weergawe

A twin of the 5" Clark refractor used --
Afrikaanse weergawe

John Briggs, owner of the above scopes --
Afrikaanse weergawe

Picture of Meridian Instrument used --
Afrikaanse weergawe

The Photographic Pier details --
Afrikaanse weergawe

The Brittish expedition went to Touws River - Full page to be added soon

Unofficial Simon Newcomb links page - composed by James F. Ross

The great comet of 1997 - Hale-Bopp

Telescope Making

My 9" Telescope re-build - Main Page

Telescope Top End details

Telescope Mirror Box details

Telescope Base Mounting details

"Engineering Drawing" of this telescope

My Telescope FAQs Page

Animated GIF, morphing the rebuild

My Satellite Tracking Telescope

Extensive list of ATM (Amateur Telescope Making) Links


Snappy installation software and driver collection

General positional astronomy program with real-time Alt/Az output .. Info

Program doing astronomical time calculations and occultation timing stopwatch .. Info

CoSaTrak - Do satellite tracking with your own Computerised Satellite Tracking system!

SeeCoSat, program for doing satellite predictions for CoSaTrak - by Greg Roberts

Program for selectively extracting satellite elements from big element files .. Info

Turn your PC into a 1000-lap-memory logged stopwatch for doing satellite timings .. Info

Program for doing 9, 18 & 27 point flotation mirror cell calculations by David Chandler

Astrophotography (Film and Webcam)

Modification details to turn a Vesta webcam into an astronomical imager

Modifications and tests of a low-light 1004x Surveillance Camera

My procedure for determening Focus and Exposure for eyepiece projection

See some of my attempts at astrophotography

See captured footage of Mir "colliding" with Sirius


Extensive list of Astronomy related Links

Extensive list of ATM (Amateur Telescope Making) Links

Satellite Tracking

My original (manual) Satellite Tracking Telescope

CoSaTrak - Build your own Computerised Satellite Tracking system!

VisuTrak - My re-built computer controlled satellite tracking mount

VideoTrak - Greg Robert's implementation by using an ex-MoonWatch mount

Program for selectively extracting satellite elements from big element files .. Info

Turn your PC into a 1000-lap-memory logged stopwatch for doing satellite timings .. Info

See captured footage of Mir "colliding" with Sirius

Extensive list of Satellite Tracking related Links

CCDs, Vacuum & Electronics

How we identified our CCD contamination ... short version ...
long version

Extensive list of CCD related Links

Extensive list of Vacuum & Cryogenic related Links

Extensive list of Electronics related Links


A small page on our family, mainly our twins

GALLERY - The pictures I took and then liked, with a short description of each

A collection of Crazy Road Signs

A photo album of our Koorts/Rietvlei reunion, held in September 2000

An animation of pictures taken of a smoke-stack implosion

My procedure for determening Focus and Exposure for eyepiece projection

Some Resolution Tests I did on a Snappy video capturing device and a Hi8 camera

Aerial Photographs

Touws River (±1958)

Wellington (±1937)
English ..

Wellington - NW view

Wellington - SE view (from du Toits Kloof pass)



A Gematria (Theomatics) calculation program I once wrote for a friend .. Info

Extensive list of Sport related Links, covering Rugby, Cricket & Cycling

Extensive collection of Search Engines, including South African and Metasearchers

Miscellaneous Links of all sorts